Palmetto Stage Tree Vertical launching I started in 2010, but my other business took me away.
Still have the shop, tools and a static test area.
And now there's more time and money to get started again.
But some help is needed.

Contact us! We'll see how far we get!

Peak VTVL Peak VTVL (Vertical Takeoff Vertical Landing)
Kero Lox, 250-500 lbs thrust

The VTVL project will develop the things needed to get to Space:
  • TW (Tank Welding)
  • Propellant System
  • TC (Thrust Chamber)
  • Telemetry
  • Remote display of telemetry and control software

  • The VTVL will be used for:
  • Static Testing
  • Tethered Testing
  • Untethered (Free) Testing

  • Everything needed for West Columbia rocket to space.

    Peak is the smallest town in South Carolina (or was).

    Peak Rocket with Man West Columbia Rocket to space (> 100km)
    Kero Lox
    2200 lbs thrust
    400 lbs empty weight
    960 lbs total weight
    325mm (12") diameter

    Contact us!

    [Updated: August 23, 2023]
